Press and Accolades

Man has been “taking the waters” since time began. Spa — Sanus Per Aqum – means Health By Water — so naturally our global spa guide advocates incorporating this natural resource in every way possible, from hydrotherapy to the best drinking water. We share California Artesian Water™ with all of our spa and wellness partners thanks to its purity, taste, and eco-friendly sourcing.

Karen Stanley

Team Leader, Spa Index Guide to Spas

I welcome guests throughout the year at a California Palm Springs Desert Vacation Rental.  In a climate where most days are triple digits, ample drinking water is required to be on hand.   For years I stocked generic cases of water for my guests, until I was fortunate enough to receive a case of California Artesian Water™ from Lake Tahoe.  I’ve stocked it ever since.  Now, when my guests from all across the USA and Canada comment about their trip, they frequently mention the “fantastic drinking water” they enjoy, and ask to take bottles home.

Clifton F

Host, La Quinta Adobe Palm Springs Vacations